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Dear Wednesday: Reflections of a First Time Podcaster

Wow this month has been amazing and filled with such gold from our Winning Women interviews. As we close out the month of May, I hope you have not only been encouraged but inspired and challenged by our blogs and our interviews. So, for our last May blog I want to reflect on my experience through this Winning Women podcast series. 


I remember when the idea was brought up to interview Women in leadership for the entire month of May. Imagine, you barely know anything about podcasting and now you are going to connect with and interview strong, seasoned women. I knew it was possible, but my mind could not fathom what would come. Over the past four weeks we have heard from six dynamic women from various fields and various locations across the globe. The entire process has been a dream-like whirlwind but as we wrap up and I reflect there are so many lessons I have learned in this podcast process and from these Winning Women. 

In the beginning, I was so so nervous. This was new. This was different, and I wanted to make sure I did my part and added to the conversation. It is crazy how imagined scenarios can lead to outward reactions... like nerves.

By the time we got to the third interview, I almost felt like a pro lol. We knew what to look out for and how to make the conversation flow smoothly. The last interview was almost nostalgic. It felt like we were television hosts on a show, and I could not believe we were at our final winning woman interview. I remember when we finished, I felt this sense of accomplishment. I felt like my friend and I came together to encourage women during this time and we did just that! Not only did we encourage others, we encouraged ourselves. 

If I began to list out everything I learned from these six amazing women, this blog would become a small novel. That being said, what I learned most of all is that we are all winning women. We are all leaders and there is no trauma, doubt, past hurts, or lack of faith that can’t be turned around used to then push others forward. 

To all of my Winning Women... Thank you for going on this journey with us and I hope you understand that you are a leader right now, just as you are. You are capable of success. You are capable of healing. Your faith can be rebuilt; and it is never too late to start again. 

And to our wonderful Winning Women, who graced our podcast with fulfilling conversations. Thank you for the time and wisdom you shared with us during this series. 

Catherine Cornwall - The Clarity Queen, Executive (@clarity_queen) - England Anna Wiggins - Faith Leader, Speaker (@nevershaken) - North Carolina, US Jacqueline Kademian - Positive Soul, Business Coach (@positive ___soul) - California, US Tammi King - Psychotherapist, Trauma Expert (@iamtammiking) - Georgia, US Koula Roufis - Confidence and Motivation Coach (@_make__it__happen) - Australia Yvonne Kinston - City Councilwoman (@natural2theroots) - North Carolina, US

I encourage you to go back and listen to each of these dynamic conversations. Please be so kind as to leave us a written review on Apple itunes/podcast.

Listen to our Podcast for the Winning Women Series:

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Ashley Marcel, A Winning Woman


This Dear Wednesday Letter was hand-crafted by AshleyMarcel an Administrative Guru, Public Health advocate, Graduate Student, Mentor, Motivator and Cultural Enthusiast. Ms. Marcel has worked closely with both men and women both domestically and abroad helping to build stronger communities and healthier people. She has worked in the administrative world for over five years and is currently studying public health research. Look out for Ms.Marcel, there is much more to come! You can find AshleyMarcel on social media @anwilli7 on IG.

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