That Wednesday Life Maven

Jul 29, 20203 min

Dear Wednesday Reflections

Whew, it is shocking that it is almost August 2020. Normally this would be a time of beach trips and shopping for new school clothes but as we all know too well.... this year is different. As I sit and reflect on the past 7 months, I realized just how life-changing this year has been. So, for this month's final Dear Wednesday letter I want to share these thoughts with you.

2020 came in with a bang. New beginnings, fresh starts and high expectations. New businesses were born, relationships began and many people were looking forward to the new decade. With all of the excitement, I personally found myself empty in some ways. I wanted to be happy with everyone else but there was something missing, and as much as I tried to muster up genuine motivation, it fell short. This is also because I am an empath and feel things very deeply. This may sound insignificant in the wake of everything that has taken place up to this point but I in the midst of the pain, fear and frustration I stumbled across a passion. I found myself broken and on fire watching thousands die of Covid-19 and police brutality. A righteous anger grew inside and I realized part of what has been missing.... a purpose so deeply embedded in who I am as a person that I would risk all comfort to pursue it. I wanted to fight for people, for health, for better lives... so I decided to take a leap and uproot my life to pursue public health. 


But this letter is not about my future goals. I felt a tug on my heart to share something I think is important. I want to encourage you. While this time has been difficult at best, there is something in you that has been growing. If we have not learned anything else this year, we have learned the power of fighting for something you believe in, something that moves you to the core. 2020 has not defeated you and nor is it cancelled. You are becoming a more compassionate and a more purposeful you. Let the pain, frustration, fear, etc... push you to work on becoming a better you, let it push you to pursue something you believe deeply in, something that will benefit society as a whole, let it mold you into a higher level of yourself. I strongly believe there is purpose in each of us and my goal for this Dear Wednesday is to remind you that there is still a lot left within you. 


That being said, I must give a fair warning... this new pursuit will cost you something. It will cost your comfort zone and complacency, the anger you keep holding on to, the old mindsets that guide your decisions, but on the other side of these things you will find a fulfillment deeper than you have ever known. I know this may sound unattainable right now and I wondered if I should share this, but I feel that it is during the most difficult times that change happens. The tension can lead to regression or progression, and I want to see all of us moving forward especially when things are tough. Sometimes this means taking time to care for yourself, to learn how to self soothe in healthy ways or to cut back on certain things. Either way, I challenge you to self discovery, to passion and to purpose. Always remember, I will be walking along with you Dear Wednesday family.

Ashley Marcel

PS. I will be bringing you all along with me as I travel across several state lines to my destination.. Iowa.

This Dear Wednesday Letter was hand-crafted by AshleyMarcel an Administrative Guru, Public Health advocate, Graduate Student, Mentor, Motivator and Cultural Enthusiast. Ms. Marcel has worked closely with both men and women both domestically and abroad helping to build stronger communities and healthier people. She has worked in the administrative world for over five years and is currently studying public health research. Look out for Ms. Marcel, there is much more to come! You can find AshleyMarcel on social media @anwilli7 on IG.
